As many past guests know, we are big on custom work, working closely with individuals and private groups, helping folks with specific goals in mind. Often times these focused classes are what we might call one-offs meaning that the course content or specialized instruction, while perfectly tailored for the guest it was meant for, might lack broad appeal. Occasionally, however, these custom courses can be shaped into something many others would also want. That is true here and now.
Our returning guest wanted to increase his knowledge and experience working with the Global Positioning System (GPS), navigational apps like Gaia GPS, planning and plotting, and more. This material is a nice accompaniment to our traditional map-and-compass-focused Wildernesses Navigation course (and virtual offering). So much so that you can expect to find this in our normal educational line-up soon.
This trial course was taught by Redline Guide Ryan McGuire, but there are several on our team ready and capable of also teaching this material. While we would never suggest foregoing a strong knowledge of map and compass skills, digital navigation, particularly nowadays, is really a must-have so we will want to help you have it. Expect to hear more about this in the near future.

This is going with the flow, giving folks what they want, but not replacing traditional map and compass skills.