Running hot and cold, the day was atypical.
Sometimes our trips are pretty exciting. Pushing limits, battling weather, conquering fears — testing the waters, so to speak, on
wicked rugged trails in the White Mountain National Forest. And some of our guests live for that sort of thing. Others, however, are perfectly content with a simple, relaxed day in the mountains with gorgeous weather bagging a couple of
4000-footers on the list. Nothing more, nothing less. That’s what today’s hike led by
Redline Guide Deb Dunn was all about. No limit-pushing, the river crossings were all easy-peasy, not too much snow or ice, beautiful weather, and quite mild. And by the end of the day peaks number 25 and 26 — North and South Hancock (4420- and 4319-feet, respectively), to be specific — got checked off for a many-time returning guest.
We had a beautiful day! The weather couldn’t have been finer. It was pretty cool, too, that the temperature fluctuated quite a lot, with warm and cold pockets along the trail much like you’d experience swimming in a pond. We had snowy, icy trail at times, muddy in spots, donned our spikes heading up to the north summit, enjoyed a bit of wind at the lookout ledge for lunch… great day all around. —Deb

Nice day for it.

Deb surveying their surroundings.

Relaxed lunch in the sun. Nice!

Such stunning views.

Great day.
Good lead, Deb. And to our guest, congratulations on bagging two and thank you for doing it with us!