A family approached us hoping to do some mountaineering skills training then apply what they learn on a mountaineering trip on Mt Washington with us later this winter. First thing, though, they needed to establish their baseline conditioning. The family was fit, runners, so their cardio was good, but hiking on our rugged trails is different. It uses different muscle groups. This they found out.
The plan Redline Guide Ryan Mcguire came up with was take this family to Mt Madison, elv. 5367′ — the northeastern-most “Presidential” on our 48 4k list — via Valley Way. Doing so would avoid the wind exposure until the ridge. After this run up Madison, provided they were okay shouldering into the winds, the plan was to re-group back by the hut and determine if Mt Adams was on the RADAR for the day.
As it turned out, Madison was enough for the time being. The family is technically ready for the Rock Pile, but they really felt the day (leg day — deluxe). This was good, however, as the purpose of this hike was to establish a baseline so they can decide what kind of training they will embark upon between now and their planned Mt Washington attempt scheduled for March, 2021.

Clearing treeline.

Making their way up Madison.

Windy but gorgeous.


The team on the Madison summit. Adams in the background.
Good lead, Ryan, and to our family, good job on the summit and Rockpile-ready. Thanks for adventuring with Redline Guiding.