A fellow came to us looking to do several things. To learn some skills and do some training over the winter. To prepare him for more of the same to come. We started with a single hike — because you have to start somewhere — and with this we could see where he was at and, knowing this, what path would be best for him to follow to get to where he wants to go. On this trip we put Redline Guide Howard Aronson. Being an active red-liner, Howard knows a lot of trails, and he felt the Moat Mountain Range via Red Ridge would be a good fit for this fellow, adding an out-and-back to Middle Moat before taking on the north peak and making a loop toward their cars. This made for an almost 15-mile day. The pace was good, Howard reported. He’s a solid hiker. The physical part is a go. A class may have to be next.

Masked and ready.

The lovely Red Ridge Trail. We approve of the choice,

Breaking treeline on Red Ridge.

Having a good time?

North Moat summit.

Team selfie.

That was good. Leg day for sure.
Good lead, Howard. And to our guest… great training day. Thank you for choosing Redline Guiding.