It’s been on her list a long time. She heard the stories when she was a kid. Her grandfather had once hiked Mt Washington and spoke of his adventure often. Now it was her time to try her hand at the Rock Pile. True to its form, of course, the mountain threw in some sit-you-down winds. This proved to be a challenge, especially for our guest who wasn’t super keen about heights. It didn’t stop her from taking on both Lion Head and Tuckerman Ravines Trails, however. Taking the bull by the horns as they say. Helping her restrain the bull and showing the way was Redline Guide Ken Hodges. Check out these images:

Starting out.

The Lion Head steps

This is great.

The upward toil.

Looking back.

Sweet summit success.

Now looking ahead.


Approaching the Ravine.

Break time… or perhaps a cautious descent.

The Tuckerman Ravine waterfall.
Great lead, Ken, and to our guest: Awesome! You did it… congratulations, and thanks for choosing Redline Guiding.