What seems like two or three years ago — well, way back in early 2020 anyway — we were going to have a women-only introductory backpack but then something came along that changed our minds. But finally, pandemic aside, barring civil unrest, we have partially opened and we were able to partially make this event happen. With one of the original guests, plus one returning guest, all signed up, we were ready to take them on a teaching backpack adventure weekend. On lead was Redline Guide Arlette Laan. And the destination was the allegedly Unknown Pond Tent site in the Kilkenny — though we don’t know how this was known being it’s unknown.
Access was from York Pond Road and the Unknown Pond Trail — the direct route. The trail wasn’t bad. We had warned of possible mud but the section of concern was short. The team was blessed with fine weather, pretty clouds dotting blue skies, and of course hardly any bugs except in the evening for a bit during dinner, as to be expected. One student was more experienced than the other, but they all had a good time. One participant was a first-time White Mountains backpacker and loved the experience. She reached out already asking to be alerted if we have another group event. Unfortunately, thanks to Covid-19, we’re not sure of when that will be, but private backpacks are always available.

A popular area, the tent site was at capacity, but it still feels remote.

Restricted but highly appreciated views. Gorgeous day.

The team arrives at camp. (Guest photo.)

Is the pond now known? (Guest photo.)

What a pretty setting. (Guest photo.)

Our guest trying out one of our brand new one-person tents from MSR.

Arlette boiling some water. Other campers near by. (Guest photo.)

The teams makes their way out after an awesome night.

It’s like a jungle out there. So green!
Great lead, Arlette. And good job to the whole team. Congrats on the first time… and thanks for choosing Redline Guiding.