Our guest came to us by way of a referral. Her hope was to hire one of our guides to lead her and her daughter up the 6288-foot, notoriously weather slammed, Mt Washington — the biggest and baddest of the 4000-footers. In fact, it’s the tallest and most prominent mountain in the Northeast. Assigned to lead was our newest Redline Guide Nico Dubois. And based on the feedback received, he did great. Patient where he needed to be, encouraging, attentive, and he played doctor on the way down helping the daughter — who was only nine years old — with some hot spots trying to become blisters in her new boots.
The young hiker in training commented that it was her first big mountain. The technical term is “a mountainy-mountain.” She and her mother, who was a more experienced hiker, both relished the ascent of Jewell Trail and getting up there into the shockingly beautiful zone where the low plants struggle to survive as cooling breezes scour the landscape. The little girl, in particular, was in awe to be in such a majestic place and to have gotten there on her own two legs. Legs that were starting to get a little tired. They descended the Cog right-of-way trying to keep the miles down. It worked. They let gravity do its thing easing them down the mountain, one step after another.

Starting out.

Gaining ground. Welcome to the alpine.

A little fog to mix things up.

Refreshing breezes.

Leaving Clay.

Staring into the Great Gulf from Gulfside Trail.

The final paces.

Sweet summit success! Well done!

Leaving the Rock Pile.

A moment to rest and reflect.

About one mile to go. You can do it!

The hike isn’t done until you’re back. Yes!
Great lead, Nico, and to our duo we say well done! Thank you for choosing Redline Guiding.