We really pride ourselves in being available at short notice and at being flexible whenever we can. Whether it’s a last minute educational class, an inspired elopement, or a night assault on Mt Washington or some other adventure, we like to be there for our guests. We want to deliver the goods. So, when in the 11th hour the call came in to lead on Mt Washington, we said sure, but we needed to leave early. Like midnight early. (Last minute scheduling has its tense moments.) Available for this lead was Redline Guide Ryan Mcguire. So, after outfitting our single private guest with a Ready Pack, the duo set out.
We’ll cut to the chase, they didn’t summit. They went as far as Lion Head. The mountain can be super demanding at times, too demanding, and this was one of those times. They raced the notorious weather — which they caught a break with — and they tussled with circumstances, but it just wasn’t meant to be. Not this time, anyway. It was a grand try, a serious epic in the making — we were stoked for such an awesome adventure. So… next time.

This was a private tour without photo permissions, and it was dark. Ryan did get these, however.

Finally the dawn comes.

With dawn comes color and beauty. They make their way home.
Good lead, Ryan. That was a solid attempt. Thank you for choosing Redline Guiding.