Ruthie and Chris — Jan 12, 2019
Of course there was another applicable extreme: the temperature. While it was a stunningly fine, sunny day, boy, was it sure was cold. And cruising along at 45 miles per hour doesn’t help matters. Thankfully heated grips and a protective cowling concealing a large and toasty 600cc engine really help keep the rider warm and comfortable. Thus, despite the chill, we were feeling great.
The wedding took place at the southernmost, southern-facing outlook near the height of land on Bear Notch Road (Albany, NH). It’s a pretty remote location, at least in winter and by New Hampshire standards, but it was a terrific location. What follows are scenes from the day leading up to and just after a simple, basic ceremony complete with telling captions.

Our steel chariots await.

Our iron snow ponies bring us out and back quickly.

We stop along the way to take it the views. Ruthie and Chris, in their job, are used to vistas.

Our iron workers saddle up. Yes, you read right. Both bride and groom are iron workers.

In an hour, they will be married in this spot.

We stop for some photos at the edge of the Swift River near Church Pond.

Justice wears a helmet.

We ride back to the south-facing overlook.

The ceremony takes mere minutes. Its effects, however, last a lifetime.

What a wonderful, beautiful day. Memories of it will last and last.

Bun in the oven?

We enjoy the outlook a bit longer, then start back toward Go.

We pause at the other vistas. Quite the breathtaking view.
Congratulations Ruthie and Chris! Wishing you a marriage with the strength of steel!