Alex?! Is that you?
After coordinating their plans, Álvaro met Alex at the Old Bridal Path trailhead. At this point a direction wasn’t fully decided, but being that Alex put a priority on the 5260-foot Mt Lafayette and that the weather up there was iffy, a clockwise loop made the most sense. They would get one peak at least, that was the hope anyway. As it turns out that is what they would accomplish — decided shortly after leaving the hut where they stopped twice for self-care, a brief respite, hydration, and feeding.
Speaking of feeding, it should be noted, due to a lack of early coordination, Álvaro wasn’t able to bring and prepare foods to share with Alex as he’s been known to do. That said, Alex brought venison sausage from Pennsylvania that Álvaro loved. The day, gastronomically-speaking, was a complete success. Based on the feedback we got the day went extremely well in all regards, despite not completing the whole thing. They did safely get The One he came for. Here are some photos of the trip.

Good morning. Let’s roll.

Such a serious looking team… Alex and Álvaro really hit it off.

Guess they’re not staying.

Winter wonderland.

View from “The Agonies.”

Chilling by the hut.

View from the hut’s side yard.

At the junction. Almost there.

Made it.

Mt Lafayette summit. Well done!
Well done you two. Another terrific lead, Álvaro!