Head down, bearing the alpine zone.
We started around 8:30am. Temperatures were in the upper teens with winds blowing hard all morning. It was also snowing a bit, a few flurries at the beginning then later picking up, enough falling and being blown to cover the trail in places. The trail’s base was snow packed enough for microspikes [but snowshoes were carried]. This was Brian’s first time doing Burrows Trail in the winter, which he seemed to enjoy. We had stops to eat, drink, and for other self-care. Once we get to the clearing we drank some more, had a bit of salty food and electrolytes. At this point we started going up the last stretch by the alpine area sign — see photo, inset — and were immediately slammed by heavy wind gusts, strong enough for us to lose balance. Brian did not feel comfortable continuing [acrophobia wins again] even with the offer of a shortrope option. He had hiked to the summit in the past, in the summer, and felt that today, due to the lack of views coupled with the strong winds, he decided he was good. —Álvaro
We understand. It is these reservations, this respect for the mountains, this understanding of what nature can dish out, and this conservativeness which keeps us alive and healthy so we can hike another day.

Road trip. Vermont or bust. Hello Camel’s Hump.

Brian and Álvaro starting out on the Burrows Trail.

Going up. Brian still isn’t feeling 100% and didn’t sleep well the night before. Still hiking, though!

In the clearing before treeline.

Very wintery.

Loving it up there.

Some limited views.


Headed back to the start.
Well done team. Kept it safe and enjoyable like it’s supposed to be.