Enter code COMP16.
Putting this out there again since, historically, fall is the slowest time of the year for many things in the guide world, even for people scheduling wilderness navigation courses. We’d love to change this phenomena since fall is, ironically, the best time of the year to do this! The leaves drop and sightlines open up, there are fewer bugs, and it’s just a great time of the year to get outside. Thus, we have this special, limited-time offer in place:
Special Offer: Be a map and compass master. For a limited time schedule a Full-Day or Two-Day Wild Nav courses and on the day of your class receive one-per-person brand new Suunto Compass, still-in-the-package, Model A-10 NH (a retail value of $20.99). To claim your free compass, book a class today simply type in code COMP16
when booking. Offer expires December 15th, 2016 so be sure to book your class before then. We want to get out there before the low snows settle. This offer cannot be combined with other offers. Limit one compass per person per full- or two-day booking. Void where prohibited… as if.
The Suunto A-10 is a basic magnetic baseplate compass, yet it offers everything found on much more expensive compasses and, really, is all that’s needed for navigational use in the backcountry — plot, shoot, follow — (barring an inclinometer useful to those heading into avalanche terrain). We use the A-10 ourselves along with the A-30 (this one has a magnifier that those with reading glasses can benefit from). Get your A-10 compass now. Check out the course details, then book a class today.