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Category Archives: Trips

Eight was Inverted

As a rule it’s generally colder the higher you go up. But not always, which is good since on some days, the ones when it’s already cold enough, “colder” is a real bummer. On some days what hikers want is to flip that weather on its end. Instead of getting colder as we climb, let’s break all the rules and let it get warmer. We’ll call […]

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Mountains of Emotion

We carry ourselves through the mountains, hiking and climbing them for all the experience has to offer. Some people can almost literally hear the mountains calling to them — we’re looking at you, John Muir — urging them to ascend their flanks, explore their cirques, and traverse their ridge-lines. To stand upon their summits immersed in that amazing feeling of being on top of the world. […]

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Our Buddies in Group Four

Two Three Season student groups have walked our halls, so to speak, and now two Winter Season groups have followed in their footstep. Not literally, though. Of these four student groups, this final winter group is the last in the series. That said, we’d like to add that more good stuff will be coming. Possibly enhanced progressive programs, but for now we can say will be […]

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Almost Postal

Contained in his summary, Redline Guide Glenn Van Neil, noted that neither snow, nor sleet, nor rain would stop us from (our appointed rounds) bringing our guests ice climbing — an Intro to Ice Climbing course, specifically. He then realized that that was very postal, though he didn’t revise or edit his remarks. He stated that these things certainly don’t keep ice climbers out of their […]

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Trepidation to Elation

Some guests ask more questions than others. Especially when it concerns hiking Mt Washington. The 6288-foot crown jewel of the northeast has a bit of a reputation. It’s one of those mountains that the more you read up on, the more it commands your respect if not stealing your peace of mind outright. Some guests like to hear some reassurance from us. Sometimes more than once […]

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Our Buddies in Group Three

We mentioned winter training was going to be coming after the winter started. Our goal to helping get some eager students from the Hiking Buddies group headed in the right direction as it concerns winter hiking. This would be our third time having already had a Group One and Group Two. Together, we are making an effort to educate. Group Three, and the next one to […]

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Extreme NH Adventure

We all know cheese is big thing in Wisconsin. And apparently, so is possessing a taste for adventure. New Hampshire winter adventure to be precise. That’s what a family from Wisconsin wanted when they reached out back in October. They were looking to a couple of things: one being to take on hiking the famed and fabulous Franconia Ridge and, two, to try some ice climbing. […]

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Gateway Sport

Our most recent guest will be a returning guest after his next visit, and he’ll be a regular guest after that. We say that because today we exposed him to the gateway sport of winter hiking with Redline Guide Brian Wasiewski leading him up 4052′ Mt Jackson — our guest’s first 4000-footer. Brian got a few photos of their day, addiction in progress. Great job, team. […]

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Cranmore to the Rescue

Scheduled for yesterday was a one-on-one half-day mountaineering skills course. In this course we teach students the ins and out of using mountaineering crampons, from selecting them to sizing them, all the way to their simple but specific choreography using them with the ice axe in the more advanced pied français (as we call it), hybrid/international, and German/front pointing techniques. We also teach various flavors of […]

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Uneven Beginnings

A couple weeks ago — back in the fall — our guides were skiing in the backcountry, sending frozen waterfalls and frosty couloirs, and generally settling into a winter of fun. Until, that is, winter actually hit. From that point came the rains and warm weather and for a while now it seems like what some consider the best season of all was revoked, taken back, […]

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Re-Visiting the White Mountains

Flying up from North Carolina, our guest planned to return to the White Mountains making her third visit to our area — and hopefully the one that’s “the charm,” as they say. Her plan was to winter hike or snowshoe, then also ski at one of our local resorts. We’re not sure how the skiing went. Based on how many people were at Wildcat this past […]

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Hello Again, Winter

One of the benefits to hiring a guide for a one-on-one hiking adventure is that the day belongs entirely to the guest. Say, for example, we’re out with one of our long-time oft-returning guests doing a little shakedown hike on the Kinsmans. It’s a beautiful day, great company, balmy, sunny. Really awesome. The duo venture off to Bald Peak — a common stop for those hiking […]

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