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Category Archives: Trips

Learning Map and Compass

We’re entering into the season where people, hikers, are reaching out looking to up their game. One way this is accomplished is to take our Wilderness Navigation Course so as to become one with tools we’re required to carry. The reasons for this do vary a lot from those who simply want to better know their stuff in the general sense when hiking on the normal […]

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Reaching for the Owl

A returning guest ‘needed‘ Owls Head for their GRID and Redline Guide Chase Hall — our resident Gridder — was ready to help. There weren’t many photos on this trip but Chase did supplement that shortage with some words — which made it sounds like our River Skills course more than a hike. Leave it to the White Mountain National Forest. There is no free lunch […]

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Weekend Navigation Class

Two groups of students, one with six people, the other with two, came together for two days of map and compass and brain class with Redline Guiding. Day one featured the standard full day Wilderness Navigation course. Day two was a brief re-cap of day one then the students were to create a bushwhack plan — one we’d end up not doing due to high water […]

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Moats Again

It seems like we were just up there, up on the Moat Mountain Range (of 52WAV fame) but during monorail season those lower elevation southern aspects hold a lot of appeal. That’s what Redline Guide Howard Aronson figured when he chose the Moats for his three guests. Initially a North Moat loop seemed like it might be an option, but recent trail condition reports weren’t favorable. […]

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Flume & Liberty in April

A returning guest, working on his GRID, was again paired up with Redline Guide Chase Hall. Chase can relate to all things GRID. For those who have no idea what the GRID is, well, you know those 4000-footers, right? Try doing them in every month of the year (usually taking years to complete). Boom, that’s the GRID. 48×12. “Needed” today was Mts Liberty and Flume. Chase […]

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Getting Springier

Yes, we coined a new word: Springier (adj.) more spring-like; conversely, also less winter-like. In any case, we can call it perfection because that what it seems like. And based on feedback from Redline Guide Chase Hall, perfection is apt. The following words and photos should lend support to this bold claim. It was a fun hike up Mt Moosilauke today with a repeat guest. The […]

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Hiking Buddies: Spring, ’24 (2)

The first group was for hikers aged 17-25. For them it was a free training opportunity funded by Hiking Buddies and delivered and discounted by Redline Guiding! The objective and result was a group to trained and certified folks heading into the hills. This second group was a bit different in that this one was for members aged 26-126 — old people — and it wasn’t […]

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Left and Right Gullies

Most of the photos revealed a bit of an overcast, but in a video we were given (see below), blue skies and sunshine did grace the day. Also present in the video was what looked and sounded like some decent ground conditions and some fun skiing. On lead for this one-on-one backcountry ski tour on Left and Right Gullies in Tuckerman Ravine (on Mt Washington) was […]

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Freedom of the Hill

A young couple, eager for adventure, wisely chose the get trained before heading out and risking life and limb. They came to us for a full day Mountaineering Skills course to begin this process. There’s lots to know and a ways to go, but the info learned this day laid a solid foundation upon which to build. Now the repetition starts, the objective to have it […]

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Two-Day Navigoodness

From our half-day brush-up to our full two-day advanced session, our Wilderness Navigation course is all that. As it should be. It was built on a solid foundation and we’ve been tweaking it for over 12 years striving all the while to make it practical and usable here in the White Mountain National Forest. The one-day offering is our default and it’s what we recommend when […]

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