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Category Archives: Trips

Like Mountain Goats

While we had a presence in Franconia Notch — a team climbing to The Watcher — and a Presidential Traverse was in the making, Redline Guide Chase Hall was also leading a trip. This one to the summit of Mt Washington — the tallest peak in the northeast. All of these luckily (and unplanned) taking advantage of some sublime mountain weather. What follows is Chase’s recap […]

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Crushing the Presi

One of our guests had signed up for this past winter’s overnight adventure at the Mt Washington Observatory (MWOBS), but something came up that interrupted these plans and our guest was given a credit to use later. Fast forward to later — to now — and the credit was applied to something just as cool and perhaps a bit more personal. A self-challenge: a one-day Presidential […]

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Eye on the Watcher

That hike up the slide is worthy of anything on the Terrifying 25 list! —Ken Hodges A returning guest reached out hoping to climb The Watcher and asked for Redline Guide Ken Hodges with whom she’d hiked with on earlier guided trips. For those who don’t know, The Watcher, also known as the “Old Lady of the Mountain” — which lives on the east side of […]

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Approaching 60%

A many time returning guest returned once again. As per his usual, our guest, working on his GRID (hiking all the 4000-footers, every month of the year, which equals 576 summits) sought his regular guide/companion Redline Guide Chase Hall. The objective on this day was to get our guest three peaks closer to his goal. The peaks were the trio on the Willey Range, specially Willey, […]

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On the Bucket List

Some people glance out their window toward Mt Washington remarking on how it looks, so rugged and alpine. A mountain’s mountain if there ever was one and the tallest in the Northeast. And Mt Washington is special, unique in myriad ways; a record maker and breaker known for its crazy weather, to be sure. And for many, it really is worthy of a person’s bucket list […]

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Camp Craft Of Course

We admit that “Backpacking Introduction” would be far more telling than using the somewhat ambiguous “Camp Craft” but it is the same thing. Sort of. Our thinking is that while some people say backpacking is “roughing it,” the camping part of a backpacking trip should be anything but rough. In other words, one thing’s survival while the other’s living. Good food, comfort, cleanliness, fresh water, warmth […]

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Goldilocks Hike, Please

What a wicked awesome experience for my first time hiking the Whites! When she first called she was pretty sure a full day hike would fit the bill, so to speak. Our guest was fit and regularly went to the gym, and also did some hiking back home, but being from the flatlands of Florida, however, we had to have a heart-to-heart elevation talk. We explained […]

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Scouts’ Rock Progression

They reached out to us looking to schedule a custom three-day Rock Climbing Progression for members and leaders of their Scout Troop. We were happy to help out and gathered the team. The make up of this rock climbing intro group was four Scouts with two adult leaders, so six people. As a result, we wanted two qualified guides instructing each day. As was, however, due […]

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Grinding the Grid

A many-time returning guest came to us looking for a companion on a Mt Cabot hike — it’s one of those NH 4000-footers, in case you didn’t know. By “came to us” we mean he has been in communication with Redline Guide Chase Hall and planned this thing in the 11th hour, so to speak. Chase told us Cabot was happening in the morning. We did […]

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Overcoming the Wildcats

A returning guest working on her New Hampshire 4000-footers reached out looking for a guide for the Wildcats. Her objective was to take on and beat the Wildcat Ridge Trail (WRT), bag the two peaks that count, then continue onto Carter Notch for a pleasant hike out via 19 Mile Brook Trail. The WRT has a reputation and appears on the Terrifying 25 list but our […]

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Huntington Never Gets Old

She came to us looking to take on the notorious, the infamous, the fantastic and amazing Huntington Ravine on the east side of Mt Washington. For us, this is a fairly common request. And it’s one we love to be sure. Been there for ages, but really it just never gets old. For our guests it’s a must-see rite-of-passage. But it’s one many don’t want to […]

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Moving Right Along

We get a lot of satisfaction helping our guests meet their hiking/climbing goals. We make friends along the way, to the point of becoming invested in the quests offering everything from pep talks to useful distractions, we’ve become accustomed to helping out when and where needed. One many-time returning guest came to us as he does yearly looking to check off some boxes and bag some […]

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