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Time on Ice

The ice climbing season in New Hampshire is pretty limited. It comes, we play for two to two-and-a-half months, three if we’re lucky, then it goes. Without a doubt it’s much too short for a lot of people. And for most, work, school, and other factors — the life things — limit the season even more. Most people can’t get out there on a daily basis (though some really do try). For many recreational climbers, settling for one or two trips per season is their unfortunate norm. For others only a single trip is possible and they find even that limited. Not by the available daylight, though that is a thing, but by their available daylight.

All of these season-limiters applied to our most recent guest. Ultimately his season was to measured in hours. But, he dreamt about it all year and he did get out there and climb, making the most of what was available to him! If only hours are available, making the most of them is still a positive, appreciating that limited time even more. Savoring it.

When such a guest reached out hoping for such a day with us, we answered the call putting him out there with Redline Guide Will Murphy. The day was a cold but sunny and nice one and Will, knowing only a few hours were available before life closed back in on our guest, limited drive time by keeping it local so as to maximize what they could actually get done. And that was some laps and a Thresher (WI-3) climb at Cathedral Ledge’s North End in North Conway. Here are some of their moments, now frozen in time.

Great job, Will, and to our guest, thank you for spending your limited time with us here at Redline Guiding!

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