When we’re approached by an octogenarian half way to ninety and he tells us he’s in “great shape,” and wants the do three winter hikes in a single week, we have to remain somewhat skeptical wondering if he’s in great shape relative to his age or actually in really great shape and able to carry himself like a much younger man. Well, we were contacted by such a person and in his case the latter was true. Moreover, having had all of his major joints replaced by a surgeon — hence the Bionic Man title — there wasn’t anything holding him back. Cardio? Check! Strength? Check! Mobility? Check! Attitude? Also check!
Our guest began the week with two half day hikes to test his limits so to speak. The first was to summit Hedgehog (one of the 52-With-A-View). This ran longer than expected but Redline Guide Tim Jones got him up there — and back. Next up was Black Cap and this was led by Redline Guide Chase Hall. The made it to the height-of-land. The last hike, a full day, was also led by Chase and the objective was Tuckerman Ravine. Unfortunately our guest wasn’t digging the gusty winds so they retreated from the second bridge.