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Spring in their Step

Spring hiking is here! That’s what Redline Guide Chase Hall discovered yesterday while guiding one oft-returning guest working on their Grid (all 48, every month). Their objective on this hike was to ascend Liberty Spring Trail to Franconia Ridge, tag Mt Liberty, then go after Mt Flume as an out-and-back returning the way they came. The plan for this “Fliberty” hike was straightforward, but the execution was anything but. As Chase wrote in his short but telling trip summary…

To the junction of Liberty Spring Tentsite the trail was running water. The snow bridges collapsing at every step. After the tentsite the trail was more firm and the trip over to Liberty and Flume was hiking on a monorail. That said, there is still a solid snow pack above 4,000 feet — for a few more days, anyway. —Chase

We say: Get it while you can. Now for some photos…

Great job, Chase, and to our guest: well done. You’re closing that gap.

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