We love that more than half our guests come back to us time and time again. And this trip is no exception. When a many time returning guest reached out wanting to get her annual ice time, we were glad to help. On lead for this was Redline Guide Gregg Ludvigson and not only did he show our guest a great time, he helped us by penning the following summary.
A returning guest was looking for a fun day of ice climbing after a winter full of various hikes in the mountains. After the rain that hit a few days prior, I decided to take her to one of her, and my, favorite spots. I was surprised how good the condition of the ice was. The wind was howling, but this location is pretty well protected. Although, at times, the wind sounded like a freight train and it seemed like trees were going to start snapping like toothpicks. The approach up to the ice was probably the most difficult part of the day.
After discussing the plan for the day, we walked around to the top of the ice, where we went through how to set up an anchor for top roping. Climbing started with a warm up lap on an easier pitch of ice. Once warmed up, we moved on to something a little steeper. In between each climb, we worked on some techniques that she could try during the next lap, such as proper kicking into the ice, and trusting the front points. As well as swinging the ice tools like a jeweler, and not like a carpenter using a hammer.
She did an amazing job at implementing the tips that I gave her and at times making her climbing look effortless. It was a great day of ice climbing! —Gregg