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Assault on Mt Washington

Combine a holiday weekend with a couple groups of people interested in experiencing Mt Washington and it can be a time as crazy as the weather on that mountain. In our case the weekend went quite smoothly — as well as can be expected, anyway.

Group one signed up for our MWOBS Overnight Adventure and took part in a Mountaineering Skills class on Friday in the afternoon along with members of group two. The second group was hoping to just summit the mountain then come back down the same day. They, too, did the training but opted for the full program so they also participated in a Winter Skills class Friday morning.

Friday’s training and preparation was led by Redline Guides Ken Hodges and Glenn Van Neil with Mike Cherim lending a hand in the afternoon. The MWOBS Overnight Adventure on Saturday through Sunday was led by Redline Guides Glenn Van Neil and Debra McCown. The second group who took on the summit on Saturday were led by Redline Guides Ken Hodges and Jamie Leahy. This team decided to turn around at Lion Head as the winds were significant steadily blowing at around 70-75 miles per hour with higher gusts. Thankfully the temperatures were warmer than usual allowing the overnight group to proceed. All-in-all it was a great weekend. Even for those who didn’t summit.

The Training

The Climb

To the guides/instructors: You did a fine job. To our guests, likewise, you did great and we thank you for learning and adventuring with Redline Guiding. We’d also like to thank the Mt Washington State Park and Observatory staff for their warm hospitality and for making this opportunity possible. See you next year!

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