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Z-Bonds, Again

Hiking the GRID means summiting our 48 4000-footers over and over again — the objective is to do each in every month of the year. For some peaks this may be a trial or task. But for others, in that they’re so amazingly beautiful, it’s a passion and joy. A Zealand-Bonds Traverse is one such hike collecting four countable mountains: Zealand, West Bond, Bond, and Bondcliff. Zealand isn’t very spectacular but is a mere 0.1 mile detour off the trail so collecting it is hardly a trial or task. “It’s on the way.” The other three, however, are incredible. Particularly Bondcliff — many people intentionally finish their initial list on the mountain. If you have 20 minutes, this video can be revealing.

On this hike our many-time returning GRIDDER was after those four peaks. With him, as has been the case time and time again, was Redline Guide Chase Hall. Chase led and documented the trip offering the following photos. In them not only will you see many smiles, but you may also come to realize what makes these peaks so special. But first, let’s check out Chase’s summary:

What a treat the Whites gave my guest and I. We had perfect conditions for this traverse. The last official week of summer, perfect for this 20+ mile hike. It offered excellent views and excellent conversation, in addition to the four more summits added to my guest’s spreadheet. This hike had it all. The trees on Zealand Trailhead are starting to change color fast. The lower views as grand as those at higher elevations. When we were leaving of woods on the Twinway Trail, heading over Mt Guyot to the Bondcliff Trail junction the Pemigewasset Wilderness just popped with colors you could see for miles. It was really cool to see the bright greens of summer transformed into the bright yellow, orange, and red colors of Fall. —Chase


Great job, Chase. And to our guest, congratulations! Thank you for choosing Redline Guiding to partake in your journey!

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