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Try for the Tris

Those in the know — the hikers that hike NH’s 48 4000-footers — will understand that “Tris” in our shortened title will refer to the Tripyramids. There are three such peaks bearing that name, all over 4000-feet, though thanks to the 200-foot prominence rule only two actually count: Middle and North. The purpose of this hike was so our returning guest could snag those two peaks. On lead for this was Redline Guide Arlette Laan. She led the way to both peaks using Sabbaday Brook Trail (up), Mt Tripyramids Trail (across), and Pine Bend Brook Trail (down). We will say this, it wasn’t easy. What follows is a short summary written by Arlette, along with some photos of their mountain adventure.

Initially we had thought to work on the T25 (Terrifying 25 list) and add in the North and South slides, but with recent rains and recovering from an injury we figured the ‘regular’ trails would be hard enough. And they were. There is just no easy way up these peaks. The bottom part lures you in with meandering trail and some reasonable rock hops across the creek. But the top part of each trail is steep with slick slabs. The ones where you need to keep your wits about you. And we did! Careful foot placement on the boulders going up and down got us back to our car spot safe and sound. Another 4k double header for our guest! –Arlette

Note: It’s possible to hike all three mountains using the Mt Tripyramid Trail. Doing so would utilize the aforementioned “Slides.” The T-25 list is subjective and many people think the South Slide is pretty straightforward, even easy, but most agree. the North Slide really earns the Terrifying part. Skipping it after our recent rains was wise.

Goin’ Up

Goin’ Down

Excellent decision-making Arlette. To our guest, nice grabbing those two mountains! Thanks for doing it with Redline Guiding!

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