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Topping Out for Tourists

Glenn was absolutely incredible and I was so glad Debra joined! They are my heroes! I’m still processing the magnitude of how awesome the day was… 🤯 —Very Happy Student

Our sole student signed up for an Intro to Rock Climbing. The morning began in the classroom with Redline Guide Glenn Van Neil demonstrating various knots and hitches — i.e., Figure 8, Münter, Clove Hitch, and others — covering the basics and other elements of preparatory know-how. With Glenn was Redline Guide Debra McCown shadowing the day, seeing for herself how our Rock Intro program is run with hopes of taking the lead for herself at some point in the future. She also took a number of photos, below.

After the classroom segment was complete the team moved things over to The Wall of the Hurley Morning Light at Cathedral Ledge. A cool spot to be sure. There they did some top-roping, putting some of what was learned in the classroom into action at the crag. Our student was impressive at the speed which she grasped the material so Glenn felt it was appropriate to move things along with a multipitch climb on Upper Refuse — a fun, classic 5.5 route. Glenn reported that our student “sent” it in short order. All-in-all it was a great day. Breezy, cool, perfect late summer fall-like weather for climbing rock.

What’s With the Title of this Post?

Wondering about the title? The last pitch on Upper Refuse is optional. Many just walk it off from there. That said, to many climbers, taking that last pitch which comes up right at the gated part of the ledge is worth the extra smearing just to hear the gasps of surprise from the visitors up there checking out the magnificent views of the Mt Washington Valley. It’s a great way to finish things up.

Great job, all, and to our student, thanks for choosing Redline Guiding for your educational adventure. Send it again soon! 🤞

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