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Subject to Change

The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry […] —Robert Burns (Scottish Poet, 1759-1796)

When taking on the Terrifying 25 list, depending on one’s comfort level, sometimes the imagination must come into play. That was the case with this latest hike led by Redline Guide Gregg Ludvigson. The original objective was to hike the notorious Six Husbands and slippery, stream-like Sphinx Trails. Normally this is done taking the Great Gulf Trail to Six Husbands, heading up, going over to Sphinx Col on Gulfside Trail, then heading down Sphinx Trail to form a lollipop loop of sorts. It’s a long, challenging, and time-consuming process that takes 8+ hours for most people. In the interest of energy conservation and simple practicality, however, it was decided to put the Auto Road into play (legally this is fine). The idea was to drive up employing over 200 horses, park, head to Sphinx Trail, descend it, head to Six Husbands, climb it, then scoot back over to the vehicle for a fast and easy gat-away. That was the plan.

But you know what they say about even the best laid plans (if not, see the quote at the top of this post): all are effectively subject to change. This hike proved that this day, and this plan, was no different. By the time Sphinx Trail was descended — which was still wet despite the dry weather as of late, slowing the pace — it was decided to change the plan yet again. Instead of taking on Six Husbands Trail, the team opted for Wamsutta Trail to return to the Auto Road. Wamsutta isn’t an easy trail by any means, but compared to Six Husbands Trail, it’s a walk in the park and turned out to be a good choice. Six Husbands Trail will still be there on another day.

Great work, Gregg. That’s using your imagination. And to our guest, that is one trail closer to complete! Congratulations!

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