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Opted for Owls Head

We often lead folks on Mt Washington who want to experience horrific weather. This is understandable as the mountain has a reputation for it. In many instances our guests will stand atop Lion Head, shaking their fists, shouting… well, shouting something. Their cries are whisked away on the freight train winds before we ever hear them. This is especially true in the winter months. Granted, it’s early September and technically still summer, but the days are shortening and old man winter is starting to grip the mountain.

The forecast called for high winds gusting to the 90s pre-dawn, and temperatures on the nippy side. Factoring in the wind chills, the morning would carry with it single to low double digits. Brrr. Redline Guide Chase Hall was okay with it. The winds were forecast to diminish and the sun was supposed to make an appearance, bringing with it warmer temps. This is a favorable trend, but to our oft-returning guest working on his GRID (all 48, every month) gave the mountain a big fat nope. He instead opted for Owls Head Mountain (4029′) — which he needed, of course, and got. Chase summarized, below, and took some photos of the day.

I led my guest up the Owls Head (Slide) Path for the first time in twenty years. The water crossings on the way were very easy to navigate and we did so with no issues. The views of Franconia Ridge from the slide were majestic. When we reached the mountain’s wooded summit the wind seemed to hit us from both sides and swirled. The woods came alive in the cold and our summit stay was a short one. —Chase


Great job, Chase. Awesome day for Owls Head. And to our guest, thank you for continuing your journey with Redline Guiding!

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