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More Bang for the Buck

The statement “More Bang for the Buck” was ascribed to Black Cap Mountain in North Conway. It’s a gem for new hikers offering stunning views with only minimal to moderate effort, depending on your conditioning and perspective. The mostly westward views are breathtaking, and avid explorers may cautiously find even more to be had. More experienced hikers with added layers, more gear including a proper headlamp, and other items, can enjoy a sunset from its exposed rocky ledges, but a faster descent is recommended. As a rule of thumb — for safety reasons — if you’re going to hike in the dark, morning is the best time for it. If something goes awry, you will have all day to deal with it.

Leading this half day hike was Redline Guide Hayley LaPointe, and in her charghe was a couple new to the sport looking to maximize their limited time in the Mt Washington Valley. Hiring a guide made a lot of sense, and we were more than happy to help out. A number of photos were taken, but before we get to them, let’s check out Hayley’s written trip summary, as follows…

It’s really difficult to try something new for the first time. After having a busy life of raising children, traveling, and caring for aging parents, our guests decided it was time to try hiking while visiting North Conway. After speaking to our guests about what they wanted to get out of their experience, it was decided to hike Black Cap Mountain — a peak that has one of the most ‘bang for your buck’ views in the area.

We took our time ascending, taking lots of small breaks and hiking at a comfortable pace for our guests. They were impressed by how friendly the other hikers were that we encountered, which I confirmed is just how the hiking community is around here. We discussed how to use trekking poles to their advantage and how to maneuver around roots and rocks. This trail offers a variety of terrain to keep things interesting, beginning with a dirt path and ending with scrambling on rock. A true challenge for beginners! I was so impressed by our guests’ perseverance, their positive attitudes throughout the hike, and their willingness to try something new. They should be so proud of their accomplishment of summiting their first mountain! I feel so fortunate that I was able to be a part of their day and hope that this adventure sparked their interest in exploring more of the outdoors. Bravo! —Hayley


Great job, Hayley, and to our guests, well done on summit number one. There are many more where that came from, just begging to be explored, so when you’re ready, we’re ready to help. Thanks for adventuring with Redline Guiding!

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