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Long Walk in the Woods

Oh the dreaded and ceaseless march to the far flung Owls Head Mountain is a never-ending slog without a shred of value. Or at least that is how some view it. Others, however, see it as a beautiful and gentle walk through the woods that, with the right company, is a fun and rewarding experience totally worth your while. In other words it is highly subjective and is clearly affected by our perceptions. Dreading it as you work on your 48 and it will deliver on said dread. Anticipating it with positivity, however, will deliver on said positivity. This, in fact, is a life lesson so all should take note. So much in the world is shaped by how we view it. Redline Guide Ken Hodges knows this and doesn’t mind taking on Owls Head with our guests. It is on the long side, it does take some time to complete, and without the “bushwhacks” like Black Pond and Brutus, it can be dangerous in certain conditions, but aside from these characteristics, however, Owls Head, like the other 47 peaks, conforms to our views.

One repeat guest came to us needing this 4029-foot mountain and due to its remoteness, asked for a guide to be his companion for the day. And of course, being that this is our stock-in-trade, we were happy to take it on with him. We don’t have a great number of photos to share — they were too busy enjoying the day and their rich conversation — but here are a few.

Fine lead, and perception, Ken. To our guest… well done. You’re almost there! Thanks for making that call.

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