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Isolated Event?

When it comes to guiding the popular and in-demand 4004-foot Mt Isolation, it’s certainly not an isolated event, at least not for Redline Guide Chase Hall. He was leading a guest up there once again. On this mountain, this was like his 200th summit or something like that (just kidding). To our guest, however, it was indeed an isolated event. It was his first time taking on this remote peak nestled in the Presidential-Dry River Wilderness. And that is what it’s all about. Here’s a short summary of their perfect day along with a handful of photos.

A late summer opportunity presented itself at Redline Guiding. A call came in and a hiker who was a mere two summits away from his 48 4000-footers needed Isolation. After today he needs only Owls Head. I was on the case and brought this guest along the scenic route to Mt Isolation: the Glen Boulder rail. It’s is one of the best hikes in the Whites, especially in fall. Our guest loved the views of Boott Spur and of Mt Washington from this perspective. In addition to the views he loved that he didn’t need to hike back up Davis Path and instead used the bail-out backup plan and hiked out unusually dry Rocky Branch Trail. —Chase


Great lead, Chase, helping our guest inch closer to his goal. To our guest, well done, and thanks for that call!

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