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Four That Count

As we explain in our post about NH’s 4000-footers, a peak’s prominence partially determines whether or not a particular mountain is counted as a 4000-footer. In other words, it’s more than just a mountain’s elevation that’s considered. A hiker may tag several summits, of which some are mere — albeit worthy — bumps along the way. Case in point, the full Franconia Ridge Traverse. That’s what Redline Guide Chase Hall just led. They ascended via Skookumchuck and Garfield Ridge Trails and descended via Osseo and Lincoln Woods Trails. Along the way four 4000-footers were claimed, but there was more than that. First they mounted the non-qualifying North Lafayette which is a hair over 5000-feet, then Mt Lafayette at 5242-feet, then North Lincoln (a.k.a. Truman) which is also non-qualifying even though it’s 4995-feet, followed by Lincoln at 5080-feet, followed by the non-qualify Little Haystack at 4751-feet, then Liberty at 4457-feet, and lastly Mt Flume at 4329-feet. If you lost count, it’s okay. We just named seven peaks, of which only four qualify.

On this awesome hike on this gorgeous day Chase accompanied one oft-returning guest who happens to be working on his GRID (a.k.a. hiking all the 4000-footers every month of the year). Before we offer some photos of their epic, here’s a short summary from Chase:

It was a spectacular day on the Franconia Ridge. It was nice to recharge my hiking legs and to hike with our guest. He’s working on his GRID. We saw so many hikers and backpackers enjoying themselves on the ridge it gave us that extra boost to continue onto the next summit. This hike included four 4000-footers with amazing views of the Pemigewasset Wilderness to the east and Cannon and the Kinsman Ridge to the west. The conditions on the Franconia Ridge were excellent featuring dry rock, no mud, and perfect late summer weather. We started our day at the Skookumchuck trailhead on Route 3 and hiked all the way to Lincoln Woods on the Kancamagus Highway. —Chase


Great lead, Chase, if the smiles are any indication, you guys probably motivated others more than they motivated you! To our guest, great job! You’re getting closer and closer. Thank you for continuing your adventures with Redline Guiding!

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