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Two Sisters on #48

You know what’s better than finishing your 48 4000-footers list? Doing it with someone you love. Case in point: two sisters crushing it to completion on Mt Isolation (4004′). On point for this trip was Redline Guide Chase Hall. Aside from enjoying the company of his guests and sharing in their celebration, they also saw a moose on trail! Gotta love that. Here’s Chase’s summary.

Today was awesome. I was guiding two Sisters up Mt Isolation for a 48 party. It was an awesome honor and privilege to watch these two sisters complete their 48. We chose to hike up via Rocky Branch which was very wet today with the morning rain but when we crossed into the wilderness boundary the rain stopped and we continued to hike in a cloud. I saw my first on-trail moose ever, it was having its breakfast at 9:30am. When we reached the summit we had ourselves a summit party, enjoyed some good, shared stories, and made our way back down Rocky Branch. —Chase


Fine lead, Chase! And to the hiking sister, congratulations! And adding a moose to the memory… sweet!

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