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The Views Count

Most hiking lists in this region are satisfied by summiting something, but not all. Some lists are all about the trails — either hiking all the trails, or just the terrifying ones — or all about the views. Case-in-point: The 52 With-A-View list. While most of the objectives covered by this list are indeed mountain summits, some only require one make it to the primary viewpoint. One such mountain to serve as an example is the 3100′ Mt Paugus in the Sandwich Range Wilderness. The main viewpoint offers sweeping southern vistas, but there is no trail to the top of that mountain and getting there requires some gnarly bushwhacking in a dense northern mixed forest.

For those so-inclined, leaving the viewpoint on a bearing of about 004 magnetic for a distance of 0.35 miles with an elevation gain of a mere 150 feet should get you there. That might sound close, and easy, but do plan on spending an hour or more getting to that particular high point. That said, if you do try and make it there is a jarred register to sign confirming you found the top (from which there are no views in any direction).

On this hike with an oft-returning guest, led by Redline Guide Chase Hall, the only objective was the viewpoint so as to claim this mountain on the aforementioned 52WAV list for our guest. And with that, the deed was done. Another one bites the dust as they say. Here are some photos:

Great lead, Chase, and to our guest, congratulations and thank you for choosing Redline Guiding!

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