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Tale of Two Days

A New Yorker came to us looking to enjoy herself for a couple of days. To see some cool things, climb a mountain or two, check out the wildlife, and have some fun. She booked two full days with us. These tours were led by Redline Guides Arlette Laan and Debra McCown, on days one and two, respectively. On tap for these two days were Mt Pierce (a NH4K with Mt Eisenhower as a possible second peak) on day one, and day two was to possibly be a second mountain if our guest was feeling it. Being a bit older she decided to dial things down a bit, and she shifted gears deciding on a nature tour. Debra decided to take her to the Pondicherry Wildlife Refuge including the Mud Pond Boardwalk, among other places like Cathedral Ledge, Bear Notch Road, and Franconia Notch. The objective of the day was to rest up, see cool things, spot some wildlife (bonus). For these trips we’re going to jump right to the photos, Arlette’s and then Debra’s.

Day One: From Mushroom Magical Forest to Majestic Mountain Tops

A R L E T T E ‘ S     P H O T O S

Day Two: From Majestic Mountain Tops Back to the Magic

D E B R A ‘ S     P H O T O S

Great job team — and our guest, thank you for adventuring with Redline Guiding! More mountains await your return.

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