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SKT: Slowest Known Time

For a quite a while Redline Guide Mike Maciel has been the guide (read: friend/coach/companion) on demand for guidance and oversight on one older gentleman’s quest to complete New Hampshire’s 48 4000-footers. In this post we will cover two more mountains from that list: Owls Head Mtn (4029′) and Mt Carrigain (4680′) — numbers 46 and 47, respectfully. Yes, he’s almost done. One peak remains, Mt Adams (5797′), and that is (again) on the schedule. The light is visible at the end of the tunnel. After this he can rest up a bit before diving into his 48 over 80 (he’s a mere 75 right now so has to hold his horses). What follows is Mike M’s beautiful write up covering these most recent two.

SKT: Slowest Known Time

That’s it. Enough glorifying the incredible accomplishments of speed in the mountains. Today, we are going to focus on a different type of grit: sheer willpower and perseverance. Granted, it is pretty freakin’ impressive that a human can run Owls Head in less than three hours and Carrigain in under two. I tip my cap to those who can do it, but today we are going to celebrate the other end of the spectrum. How about a round of applause for the people that just don’t quit? Those that are getting back into shape (or perhaps finding fitness for the first time). Those that are slowly fighting their way back from an injury. The people that don’t live here and climb these peaks without the advantage of ‘mountain legs.’ The young’uns with the really short legs. The elders with the really tired ones. The people who huff and puff. The people who grind it out against all the odds. When the FKT crowd is already fed, showered, and resting at home these resilient non-speedsters are still out there fighting for their summits. Today let’s give it up for them.
As our returning guest comes down the homestretch, no easy peaks remain. He knows the rules just like the rest of us: you can’t get to 48 if you don’t get to 46 and 47. It doesn’t matter if the road is closed on Carrigain, adding four miles to the day. It doesn’t matter if there are bears chasing humans around on the way to Owls Head. He puts his head down, he packs an extra sammich, he accepts the challenge (though there may be some grumbling about the 4am alpine starts), and he pushes through it. Slowly but surely, step-by-step, our guest plugs away at his long-term goal. His 2024 comeback year has gone according to plan and the stage has now been set: his third shot at a longtime nemesis, Mount Adams, awaits. Number 48 is in his sights. I’m honored to have been his guide (and now friend) on so many of these trips. He has always impressed me with his resilience, but to see him tackle these harder peaks, at the age of 75, is really special. Can’t wait to help him send it one more time.

Owls Head:
FKT 2:48:23 (Nigel Bates)
SKT 14 Hours-ish (RLG Guest*)
FKT 1:57:55 (Zachary Ennis)
SKT 13 Hours-ish (RLG Guest*)

*The name was withheld as we don’t have the time to be signing autographs and chatting up all the SKT fans out there on trail. 🤣 —Mike Maciel

Excellent write-up, Mike. Now let’s check out your awesome photos…

Scenes from the Owls Head Hike

Scenes from the Carrigain Hike

Great leads, Mike, and to our guest… well, we hope we can do what you’ve done when we’re your age. Amazing work, sir!

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