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Scouts’ Rock Progression

They reached out to us looking to schedule a custom three-day Rock Climbing Progression for members and leaders of their Scout Troop. We were happy to help out and gathered the team. The make up of this rock climbing intro group was four Scouts with two adult leaders, so six people. As a result, we wanted two qualified guides instructing each day. As was, however, due to existing scheduling, we mixed it up a bit involving three of our team. Specifically, Redline Guides Pat Ferland, Will Murphy, and Glenn Van Neil heeded the call. Pat was present on days one and three, Will was only present on day two, and Glenn was there all three days sort of making him lead guide’s, even though he’s a newer member of the team. Glenn also provided a detailed synopsis, in part below. The photos that follow it were taken by the whole team.

Scout Law… ‘A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.’ We could hit on all of these character traits with this group over the three days. These four Scouts definitely had it together, as did their two adult scout leaders, too! Clearly they all had and lived by this set of values. Here’s a breakdown of our time.

  1. Day One (Cathedral Ledge)… Topics included safety, etiquette, knots and hitches, belaying, climbing, verbal commands and communication, easy climbs, harder climbs, and that finicky climbing vernacular. Students learned about sandbagged routes, too (thats not really 5.7!). They worked hard and nailed it! Which character trait did we see? Pretty much all of them!

  3. Day Two (Square Ledge in Pinkham)… We had longer climbs today. 100 feet, 130 feet, overhangs, too! Practicing more on the skills the team learned on day one and adding some real exposure (climbing vernacular) to the mix. As planned, day three was to be the big day featuring some multi pitch fun and adventure. These Scouts were ready! More of those character trait boxes were ticked again.

  5. Day Three (Cathedral Ledge, again)… Three pitches (sections) of decent climbing. It was hot, we were all challenged including the guides. Up into the sun on a busy route climbing on rock they’d never seen hanging a bit from the belay anchor takes guts! They all passed this test! Best part on the route climbed is always finishing at the fence where all the tourists check out the view! In shock they inquire: ‘You climbed up the cliff?’ ‘Yup,’ we reply ‘all of us!’

And in the End… It was highly enjoyable instructing and guiding these Scouts on this three day educational adventure! In this time they showed us that they were indeed trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent, and it was our pleasure to teach them what we know, what we do, and what we love. —Glenn


Great job one and all, instructors, leaders, and students alike! To our Scouts, thanks for choosing Redline Guiding!

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