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Eye on the Watcher

That hike up the slide is worthy of anything on the Terrifying 25 list! —Ken Hodges

A returning guest reached out hoping to climb The Watcher and asked for Redline Guide Ken Hodges with whom she’d hiked with on earlier guided trips. For those who don’t know, The Watcher, also known as the “Old Lady of the Mountain” — which lives on the east side of Franconia Notch, sort of opposite the resting place of NH’s Old Man of the Mountain — is a rocky formation, an outcropping. From some angles The Watcher looks like the profile of a face. Some say a woman’s face as she looks out over the notch. It’s a somewhat popular mountain destination but it’s is well off trail and rather difficult and dangerous (Terrifying 25 material as Ken noted) to get to if trying to access it directly. And that’s precisely what the team decided to do. Here are some photos of the day.

Nicely led, Ken, and to our guest, congratulations on getting The Watcher off your Watch List.

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