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Approaching 60%

A many time returning guest returned once again. As per his usual, our guest, working on his GRID (hiking all the 4000-footers, every month of the year, which equals 576 summits) sought his regular guide/companion Redline Guide Chase Hall. The objective on this day was to get our guest three peaks closer to his goal. The peaks were the trio on the Willey Range, specially Willey, Field, and Tom — though it appears that on this tour, they took them on in a reverse order. What follows is Chase’s summary along with some photos.

Today it was pretty mellow. My guest is close to reaching the 60% milestone for his GRID and getting five summits done [he had solo’s the Kinsmans] in the last 48 hours is getting my guest closer to 576. Today it was Tom, Field, and Willey on a beautiful August day. On trail my guest bumped into four GRIDDERs, one being his guide, and the three others out just enjoying the beautiful sunny day. One of the hikers was working on her 2nd GRID over (age) 65, which was awesome. —Chase


Nice lead, Chase, and to our guest, way to go, really stacking them up. Thank you for GRIDDING with Redline Guiding!

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