Are you ready? We are... Meet the Ready Pack: It's everything you need!

The Fam from Alabam

A family from Alabama reached out hoping to book a non-specific nature tour. When asked what our prospective guests at the time might like to focus on — us offering topic examples like history, geology, sociology, environment, flora and fauna, and teachable moments — the reply we got to all that was “yes.” For those not in the know, this translates to: “we’ll take it all.” Perfect. To ensure we had maximum depth and breadth of our offering, two Redline Guides, Mike Cherim and Ken Hodges, were put on it. Both with certain strengths to offer, complete with dad jokes (only available for a limited time). The plan, like the request, was varied. The idea was to drive and hike, drive and hike, and drive and hike, visiting site after site, discovering each location’s topics of note and delving into them. Locations included Bear Notch Rd and the Kancamagus Highway (Rte 112), the Swift River and Rocky Gorge, Church Pond, Sabbaday Falls, and finally the Russell-Colbath House. Mike and Ken both took several photos during their travels…

Great job, everyone. To our Fam from Alabam, thank you for touring with Redline Guiding! Y’all come back now!

Don't Wait Too Long!

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