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Moving Right Along

We get a lot of satisfaction helping our guests meet their hiking/climbing goals. We make friends along the way, to the point of becoming invested in the quests offering everything from pep talks to useful distractions, we’ve become accustomed to helping out when and where needed. One many-time returning guest came to us as he does yearly looking to check off some boxes and bag some peaks. This time with some family members along for the ride — more helpers. But there’s more to this story than that as Redline Guide Mike Maciel will share. This particular post is the result of two days of hiking with a spacer in between. The objective was Franconia Ridge, broken into two hikes.

Back to the Grind

When we last checked in, our many time returning guest was standing atop Mount Chocorua this winter taking a break from his decade long pursuit of the NH48. Following a lackluster (by his standards) 2023, or ‘The Year of the DNF’ as he has been calling it, he needed a checkpoint. A confidence booster. A slump buster.
The old way wasn’t working so he did something many people struggle with: he changed. Changed his diet, changed his workout routine, and even changed some of his traditional priorities for the year.
Plans were made. Resources engaged. It’s time to finish this thing and everyone from his kids to ‘Auggie the Doggie’ is going to help out. 3 different trips, 7 summits, a variety of assistance from his family and his trusted guide. First up: Franconia Ridge and Fliberty with his son and youngest daughter along for emotional support. Turns out people would rather help with Franconia Ridge than Owl’s Head, weird (sidebar: his children are all very intelligent 🤣).
We had a great week getting him back above treeline. The days were long and they were not easy, but with effort comes a wonderful payoff. The weather was perfect for the ridge, as it should be. Fliberty started a little soggy. There were minor complaints that he didn’t get to try the slide, as he’d much prefer a loop to an out/back, but at this point the primary strategy is efficiency. By the time we got back to Liberty the second time the rain had stopped and the summit was no longer socked in. We savored the moment a little longer, not knowing if that would be his last opportunity to take in the beautiful view. Three summits now stand between our guest and his goal, the hero marches on. —Mike M.


Great lead Mike, and congratulations to our guest and his family. A family that hikes together… ❤️

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