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Grinding the Grid

A many-time returning guest came to us looking for a companion on a Mt Cabot hike — it’s one of those NH 4000-footers, in case you didn’t know. By “came to us” we mean he has been in communication with Redline Guide Chase Hall and planned this thing in the 11th hour, so to speak. Chase told us Cabot was happening in the morning. We did our billing thing, as our guest fully expected. The guest in this case is working on his GRID (all the 4000-footers each month) and we’ve helping out along the way. This is one of the awesome things about guiding, it’s those relationships. Toil with someone for hours on end and you run the risk of becoming friends, albeit still in a professional manner. The following comments and photos are from Chase.

Mt. Cabot

Our Guest has been working hard on getting his first month gridded out but that achievement will have to wait until 2025 My guest will have to grab his 48th summit for July then. He’s okay about it. Each hiker and each list is different and I’m just happy I can watch him succeed and help out where needed. We were both excited to hike Cabot. What a privilege to be able to see the vast changes over the last two years in Bunnell Notch. The streams are in great shape. The water coming off of Cabot is making for some nice water crossings. Every hike is different. Remember the beauty of the hike because tomorrow it may be different. —Chase


Great lead, Chase, and to our guest, thank you for choosing Redline Guiding for your adventure!

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