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Tris and Succeeds (Finally)

Some trips get booked, scheduled, and carried out in a few days. Others not so much. This trip is one of those not so much ones in that it was booked almost a year ago, scheduled, re-scheduled, re-scheduled again, and then re-scheduled one more time for good measure as life kept getting in the way. But it was worth it in the end. According to Redline Guide Pat Ferland, on lead for this trip, the day was absolutely perfect. The objective for the day was take on and conquer two of our NH 4000-footers: Namely Mts North and Middle Tripyramid. The plan was to take Pine Bend Brook Trail in and then take Sabbaday Brook Trail out to a pre-postioned car. There were a lot of water crossings on the exit trail, and they admitted they didn’t stay dry on them all, but on such a lovely day, wet feet were nothing to fret over. Here are a few photos…

Well done, team. Fine lead, Pat, and to our guest, thank you for adventuring with Redline Guiding!

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