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In Spring Form

Cool air warmed by sunshine and it sure feels nice. Unless you’re snow. If you’re snow it feels bad. It makes you melt and fade away. Snow longs for winter but spring will win the battle and the snow will go away. For now, though, we will enjoy what’s left. Though don’t ask us to define “enjoy.” Redline Guide Chase Hall lead this trip to Mt Isolation with a returning guest, and while this isn’t a tall 4000-footer, it is a more distant one. And it seems especially so when the ground beneath you begins to give way. As Chase put it…

Rocky Branch is starting to show its spring form with running water in trails, downed trees, and wet snow that causes giant snowballs beneath your feet. The snow is melting and it’s letting you to posthole every other five steps — even with snowshoes. This all adds up to a hike on which you get half way. Our guest today could only get to Engine Hill Bushwhack before the weight of the hike took its toll and our guest had enough for the day. Today’s lesson was: You win some and you lose some. —Chase


Fine lead, Chase. You guys stayed safe, had fun, and the mountain, as they say, will be there another day!

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