Phoebe said: “I can take that one.” She was referring to a last minute request for a guided Mt Washington hike leading two teens. While we absolutely cherish Redline Guide Phoebe Seltzer’s drive and desire to get out there and guide, we were concerned about her sanity; she was already booked for a hike that day — it, too, a fairly last minute request as it was. This was no mistake, though. The logic of the day being this: Hike the first trip very early, bring the guests back after summiting, meet the second couple, summit with them, too — taking the scenic Glen Boulder to Boott Spur way to avoid crowds on top of it — and bring them back, as well. So, of course, we said okay. It sounded solid. Coming from Phoebe, that is. Not everyone can hike back-to-back Washingtons. Let’s face it, it’s on the order of 18+ miles with over 9000′ of elevation gain combining these hikes. That’s pretty impressive. Of course they weren’t totally back-to-back. According to the electronic check-out/check-in forms our guides are required to use (see inset), Phoebe did enjoy a leisurely sixteen minute rest-up between hikes.
Even though she was busy guiding like nobody’s business, Phoebe still managed to take a number of photos from both trips so we could document it all, some of which we will share here, at least those we were given permission to use. Enjoy.
Day One: Trip One

Cruising right along, the best parts are still to come.

Gaining on the top.

Ages 13 and 15… impressive. Well done!

Phoebe is respected as a guide by her peers, now more than ever.

They’re stoked to have done it.

What an amazing journey!
Day One: Trip Two

The woods dense, the trail steep. Why are we doing this again?

But then, you see, there’s this rewards system in place.

Rewards like the old boulder roll game.

Fast forward a bit… there are signs of life at the top.

We always ask before putting anyone’s photos online.

Just looking at her one probably wouldn’t realize just how badass she is.