Our guest wanted to do a six day, five night backpack with us. She wanted some “Type 1 Fun” — which means it’s fun and cool even while you’re doing it. She got plenty of that, being led by Redline Guide Ryan Mcguire. She even got to experience some “Type 2 Fun” — meaning it sucked while doing it but was fun and cool in hindsight — but that was only for one small section. She asked at that point: “This is rock climbing, right? This isn’t hiking!” What can we say, our trails here are a bit technical. We had hoped our guest was going to supply an essay, but for now we will let these captioned photos do the talking.

Heavy start with over six days worth of food and other necessities of life.

After staying at Eliza Brook the first night, they climb north toward South Kinsman.

After a night at Lafayette Place Campground (instead of Liberty Spring Tentsite), they head up Old Bridle Path.

After a stay at the Garfield shelter, they make their way toward South Twin.

On the Twinway headed toward the Bondcliff Trail.

Pre-dawn at Guyot.

The sun rises.

The false summit of Guyot after leaving the shelter the following morning.

Looking south from Zeacliff.

Complete is as complete does, for now. Instead of exiting via Ethan Pond Trail, they go out the Zealand Trail.
Great lead, Ryan, and to the team, really impressive. Thanks for choosing Redline Guiding.