Natalia and Andrew — Married Aug 4, 2019.
There are many, many choices when it comes to possible mountain wedding venues here in New Hampshire: the
48 4000-footers and the
52 With A View to start with. Some are expected, the go-tos because of their popularity or their accessibility, or both, but others not so much. This wedding was one of the others: the 4760′
Little Haystack Mountain on Franconia Ridge. Many pass there, briefly touch its summit, even take a well-deserved break before moving on to their true destination of the day. Always heading somewhere else, but never just heading
there. Until now. For
Natalia and Andrew Little Haystack Mountain is the most significant mountain on the Franconia Ridge. Nothing compares. When they re-visit, and surely they will, they may hit Lafayette or Lincoln, but it will be on their way to Little Haystack Mountain. Check out these photos:

Here comes our wedding party. They had stayed at the Liberty Spring Tentsite.

Prior to the dawn we kept getting clouded in, but as soon as the sun hinted at showing things cleared.

Flume and Liberty. The wedding party traversed this ridge.

Everyone prepares for the sunrise wedding.

And there it is!

The bride is so ready for this moment.

Getting into position.

The rising sun shines through the bride’s veil as it whipped in the wind. It was pretty cool.

Mike begins the ceremony.

Ceremony in progress.

They each exchange their personal vows as an emotional part of the ceremony.

At this moment all is right. At this moment, the world is a better place.

Married on a mountain.
Congratulations Natalia and Andrew. May all your mornings be blessed with such beauty!