Avalanche Falls
Mike met his group of eight women at the Duncan Donuts in Lincoln, NH. Using their wifi, the registrations could be completed before heading to the Flume Gorge Visitor Center. The leader of the group, Sondra, purchased entry passes, kindly including one for Mike, and they all proceeded to the start of the 1.5-plus mile walking loop. They didn’t travel far before Mike found something cool to share with his party. This set the stage for the rest of the hike. Mike was ready to share a lot, in fact. He had been studying hard for the past few days in preparation for this, wanting to be thorough enough the speak of the geology and history of the Gorge without looking at his copious notes (enough material to cover every major feature in Franconia Notch, actually). If we’re going to do something like this at Redline Guiding, we want to do it extremely well. Based on the feedback we got, we nailed it. The group was informed, entertained, and thoroughly enjoyed the tour. A win, it seems. Here are some photos of the day (and what an awesome day it was).

The gang’s all here.

They are surprised to hear people ice climb here in the winter and that the boardwalks are removed.

A member of an extended family offers to take our photo.

Looking back.

The Pool was left here some 14,000 years ago solely to tempt would-be jumpers today.

A few are lured into the Wolf’s Den.

The wolves are howling… with laughter.
Thank you so much, Jeryl, Cheryl, Jody, Audrey, Harriet, Nadine, Fran, and Sondra.