The Belknap Range? We. Can. Do.
We offer guided Presidential Range traverses, as well as traverses along the Franconia Ridge, on the Mahoosucs, over the Kilkenny, through the Sandwich Range, Squam Range, or across any rocky or wooded spine in the White Mountain (or Lakes) region. We will even help you do the incredibly tough “Pemi Loop,” help you bag your 48, your 52, your 67, your 72, even guide you to the summits of New England’s Hundred Highest peaks, if that is your goal — that last one is happening as this is being written, actually (read more about that).
What many didn’t know, and neither did we, to be honest, is that we will also guide you into the Belknap Range, to help you earn that patch, summit those wonderful low mountains, even “redline” (hike all of) those trails if that is your desire.
We did that yesterday! Specifically, Redline Guide Bill Robichaud lead two guests on their quest to complete most of the Belknap Range — they are saving Piper and Whiteface. They succeeded! After a long eleven-hour day, ten summits (some had to be hiked twice), 17.9 miles, and some 4368-feet of elevation gain, complete with some sore feet, as was reported, they ended their quest successfully at the parking lot of Mt Major. They began at the Gunstock Ski Area, taking on Mt Rowe first. The day started foggy and drizzly, but the skies cleared as the day went. The bugs were out but it could have probably been worse. All in all, Bill made it sound pretty nice. What follows are some remarks from Bill along with a few of his exceptional photos:
Yesterday I got to hike the excellent trails of the Belknap Range for Redline Guiding, hitting 10 of the 12 main summits of the range, and what a day it was. We were in the fog, with sometimes heavy drizzle for the first couple of hours, then the weather steadily improved. With this improvement came veritable clouds of hungry, hungry bugs. They severely limited our ability to stop and rest at summits, but we still took in the views we were given. By the time we got to Mt. Major, there was full sunshine, and surprisingly few people about. All in all, it was a great day to be outside with Andrea and Alex, checking off peaks, and learning that even “current” maps don’t show all the trails. Until next time Belknaps! —Bill Robichaud

Andrea and Alex starting out on Rowe in the fog, missing the potential views.

Easy walking between Mts Rowe and Gunstock.

Following cairns through the fog.

When views are limited, we focus on what we can appreciate, glowing mosses in this case.

The sign atop Straighback Mountain is representative of the hodge-podge of signage throughout.

And then there were views: Ossipees and beyond in this scene.

A tired but satisfied mother and son, Andrea and Alex, pose for a photo atop Mt Major.
Congratulations to Bill, Andrea, and Alex on a successful traverse!