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Hello Winter

The holidays approach quietly, sneaking up on us, then pouncing. A few months ago we were noting the too-early holiday lights and decorations intermingled with Halloween stuff. This was followed up by the let’s-shatter-our-diet season. Next thing you know torn wrapping paper is littering the floor, pajamas-wearing rug rats snubbing their new socks and underwear, and, bam, the new year is upon us.

Back at headquarters all was calm and quiet throughout the fall. The latter parts deemed our “slow season” and were pretty enjoyable. We had time to breathe and organize and prepare for what’s next. We blinked in that time and when we opened our eyes, the winter season began. And now here it is. Stay tuned with class re-caps, winter skills, mountaineering, climbing, navigation. All that’s hot when it’s cold. Inasmuch, this post will be a consolidation of the past few days.

Winter Prep and Hike

This began a week ago, a father-daughter team prepping for winter hiking. This was done virtually and this class is good for that. The virtual classroom part led by Redline Guide Mike Cherim. For training purposes, this class was joined by Redline Guides Howard Aronson, Phoebe Seltzer, and Brian Wasiewski. Brian also played a bigger role leading this duo — along with the family’s matriarch — to the summit of a popular 4000-footer, namely Mt Pierce.

Mixed Mountain Training

Next up is a custom training session broken into three parts. Days one and two spent with Redline Guide Pat Ferland going over mountaineering and glacier skills. Day three spent with Redline Guide Dominic Torro as they climb Shoestring Gully on Mt Webster in Crawford Notch.

Digital Navigation

Last but not least, Redline Guide Ken Hodges taught one fellow how to use some of the electronics we’re becoming more and more reliant upon. Not to say one should forgo learning traditional methods like map and compass, but we’re not opposed to GPS and apps usage.

Great job, everyone, and to our guests, thank you for adventuring and learning with Redline Guiding!

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