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Carrigain for Number 37

One of our longtime returning guests, another peakbagger working on her New Hampshire 4000-footers, hiked up and back and got the 4700′ Mt Carrigain crossed off the list for number 37/48. On lead for the trip was new Redline Guide Michael Scire (yep, another Mike). This was Mike’s second trip with us having led an Owl’s Head hike just this past weekend. We didn’t write a blog post or post a video about that one — we cannot do that for all of our trips, classes, and weddings — but he did earn us five stars on Trip Advisor. Great work, Michael!

We did manage to make this blog post and upload a short video for this trip, however.

Great job, one and all. And congratulations on #37… Thank you for continuing to adventure with Redline Guiding.

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